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Central Asia - Aral Sea

Amu Darya Basin
Syr Darya Basin

My Story

Demonstration of HEC-ResSim on Baseline Syr Darya Watershed

Simplified HEC-ResSim Model of Syr Darya Watershed

Modelled Years 2005, 2006, and 2007

Model simulates Water Supply and Demand of Watershed
Water Supply: Inflows to Toktogul, Kayrrum, and Charvak Reservoirs
Water Demand: Monthly Irrigation Demands throughout Watershed
Water Management: Reservoir Operational Rules to Release for Monthly Downstream
Irrigation Demands


Model Results:
Percentage of Irrigation Demands that can be Met for Range of Hydrologic
Resulting Flows into North Aral Sea and corresponding Lake Levels
Hydropower Generation at Reservoirs



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